

n  羅傑‧羅文斯頓允許美國人做出和大企業一樣的事情:

1.  要求換約成更優渥的貸款條件;或者

2.  乾脆對銀行來個相應不理。

n  為什麼美國人民要想盡辦法來繳納每個月的房貸?

n  由於房市下跌,美國目前有一千萬多戶的總房貸比市價還高

n  許多人決定守住現金停繳房貸,寧可讓銀行查封房子,因此被認為是一種「不道德」的行為。

n  摩根史坦利公司最近決定停止繳納舊金山五處辦公大樓的貸款,不也是一樣?

n  這麼做將迫使銀行提列損失,讓房市迅速修正。

n  而不是拿著納稅人的抒困錢去補銀行自己投資帳面的漏洞,同時仍然要向百姓收取高昂不合理的房貸。

n  這樣就能迫使銀行做出連政府都沒能讓他們做的事情——就是承認損失!


Go Ahead, Walk Away From Your Mortgage!

Henry Blodget

Roger Lowenstein gives Americans permission to do what companies do every day:

1.  Ask for a better deal, and/or

2.  Walk away.

[V]oluntary defaults are a new phenomenon. Time was, Americans would do anything to pay their mortgage — forgo a new car or a vacation, even put a younger family member to work. But the housing collapse left 10.7 million families owing more than their homes are worth. So some of them are making a calculated decision to hang onto their money and let their homes go. Is this irresponsible?

Businesses — in particular Wall Street banks — make such calculations routinely. Morgan Stanley recently decided to stop making payments on five San Francisco office buildings. A Morgan Stanley fund purchased the buildings at the height of the boom, and their value has plunged. Nobody has said Morgan Stanley is immoral — perhaps because no one assumed it was moral to begin with.

Read the whole thing >

Lowenstein makes a good (if not open-and-shut) case: The specified penalty for failing to pay your mortgage is that you have to surrender the house.  And you're doing that. 

By the way, one advantage of this move, aside from saving underwater homeowners from pouring money down a rat hole, is that it will help fix the housing market faster. 

If underwater homeowners walk away, the banks willl be forced to take a writedown on the bad loan instead of pretending that it's worth what they say it's worth.  This will help the bank clean up its balance sheet faster.

So think of walking away as helping to force banks to do what the government refused to make them do--take their losses!




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