> 2010一月3日以往的世界正在崩潰當中。
> 全球列強的軍隊以「恐怖份子」的名義大批進駐亞丁灣。
> 這個地區擁有全球60%的石油蘊藏量。
> 巴基斯坦正因能源危機而引爆內亂,局面目前無法收拾。
> 菲律賓、越南和印度大量停電,美英開始關閉路燈。
> 全球因為缺乏足夠的能源而逼使列強開始有所動作。
> 歐巴瑪近日宣布美國面臨嚴重生化攻擊的威脅。
> 美國開始轟炸巴國疑似恐怖份子活動村莊,
As I write, the world is
falling apart. Military forces from all major powers are flooding the Gulf of Aden, using piracy and terrorism as a pretext.
This is all jockeying in anticipation of a major, and possibly total, war in
and around the Persian Gulf -- where 60% of
the planet's known oil is. Pakistan
is imploding. Within days it will face a "worst possible" energy
crisis and, according to Pakistani news sources, trigger massive civil unrest. Pakistan has
failed. An Israeli and/or U.S.
attack on Iran
is now, no longer unthinkable. Just recently, Israel recalled all its ambassadors
and charges d'affaires simultaneously for what (sure looked to me) was an
emergency huddle. Major power shortages are crippling nations from the
Phillipines, to Vietnam, to India, throughout the Caspian and especially Pakistan.
Cities in many countries (including the USnd Britain) are selectively turning
out streetlights that will never come back on because they can't afford the
cost. The world is starting to shut down.
Sovereign default is a threat throughout Europe and especially in Greece and the United Kingdom. There are signs
that the U.S.
economy has started to implode. I will join my good friend, the brilliant James
Howard Kunstler, in predicting a DOW at 4,000
in 2010.
President Obama has just ordered massive governmental preparation for a
biowarfare attack. Something evil this way comes, and it will be worse than
9-11. Those who have followed me regularly over the years know that I have
never gotten excited about any of a score of rumors of another attack. I was
the last to get excited because I trusted the map we were making. It proved
It still is and I am scared shitless. But I am not panicking. I'm trusting the
map. We made it together. We're on this ride together.
With the movie Collapse doing well and the book selling strongly I appreciate
the risk I'm taking with my credibility, and that I am inviting attacks for
issuing this statement. It has been estimated that over a decade my predictions
have been 80 per cent accurate. (I never kept count.) I pray to God that this
is one of those 20 per cent that I get wrong. To all of you who I love and to
whom I owe so much, I recommend that you make a small investment in potassium
iodide tablets for yourself and your family. It's time to start running faster
than the other campers.
And with all of that you should hear the songs the New White Trash are writing
and recording. You will very soon. I am so proud to be a part of this band.
Music will make the birth of the new paradigm easier to take. I've been
listening to Taj Mahal all day.